GO Game Changers Awards #8
Vote for the GO Game Changers Awards!
What are the most innovative, daring or eye-catching initiatives related to socio-environmental and/or economic sustainability happening at the AUAS? That's what the GO Game Changers Awards on June 4 are all about!
This event gives students a stage to share about their ecological, social or economic sustainability initiative. It includes graduation assignments, individual or group research projects, or an internship project.
In this way we create a platform where students, experts and visitors can inspire, motivate and activate each other. The GO Game Changers Awards take place twice a year, once every semester. From all applications, the most original ideas, projects or student start-up companies will be selected to join the awards ceremony.
Jury and Public awards
During the award ceremony on June 4, students present their idea, project or initiative to a professional jury, which selects the winner. In addition to the jury award, there is also a public choice award, in which the public can vote for the project that appeals the most. The project with the most votes wins!
Meet our jury members!
Annemiek Nusmeijer - Greenjobs.nl Champion for Sustainable Careers
Annemiek Nusmeijer, a dedicated entrepreneur and B Leader, is on a mission to drive positive change through Greenjobs.nl, the largest jobsite for sustainability-focused careers. Annemiek, owner of Greenjobs.nl and co-owner of ‘Let’s Play Equal’, is passionate about building a more sustainable future. ‘Let’s Play Equal’ remains her platform to foster discussions on Diversity & Inclusion through their board game.
Greenjobs.nl, a Certified B Corp, is dedicated to connecting organizations seeking sustainability with talented individuals passionate about making a positive impact. The job board platform offers opportunities across various sectors, from circular economy startups to green energy suppliers. Annemiek's vision extends beyond connecting individuals with jobs; she aspires to propel businesses and governments towards full sustainability, ensuring every job contributes to a better future.
Annemiek envisions a world where every role influences positive environmental and societal change. This passion for sustainability stems from her childhood experiences as a WWF Ranger. Her studies in International Relations further solidified her belief in the necessity of systemic change beyond traditional capitalism. With Greenjobs.nl, Annemiek is determined to create a positive impact. Through this job platform, she aims to raise awareness about impactful work opportunities that contribute to a better society and a healthier planet.
Ineke Aquarius - Co-Founder Fiber Foods
Ineke is active in plant-based food chain development. Supplying dried fibers from African agriforest to clean food labels worldwide. The long fibers from the equator zone provide a strong bite and a healthier product, solving big issues by starting a positive chain of events.
Willemijn Vermeer - Senior Researcher and Lecturer AUAS
In my work, I am driven by (societal) engagement and a curiosity about human behavior. At the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, I am employed as a senior researcher at the Psychology for a Sustainable City research group and as a curriculum coordinator and lecturer for the Master's program in Climate Psychology and Behavior.
In my work (and also outside of it), I find it important to contribute to combating the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity. For this, collective behavioral and systemic changes are essential.
My focus area is sustainable food choice behavior and the transition to a more plant-based diet.
Stem voor de GO Game Changers Awards!
Wat zijn de meest innovatieve, gedurfde of opvallende initiatieven die te maken hebben met sociaal-ecologische en/of economische duurzaamheid bij de HvA? Daar draait het om tijdens de GO Game Changers Awards op 4 juni!
De GO Game Changers Awards vinden elk semester plaats. Dit evenement geeft studenten met een duurzaam project een podium. Dat kan met bijvoorbeeld een afstudeeropdracht, een onderzoek of een stage. Hiermee creëren we een platform waar studenten, experts en bezoekers elkaar kunnen inspireren, motiveren en activeren.
Onderscheidende ideeën
Het project of idee hoeft nog niet af te zijn. Het mag een net ontstaan idee zijn of een initiatief dat juist al wat verder uitgewerkt is. Uit alle aanmeldingen worden de meest onderscheidende ideeën, projecten of bedrijven gekozen.
Juryprijs en publieksprijs
Tijdens de prijsuitreiking op 4 juni presenteren de studenten hun idee, project of bedrijf aan de vakjury, die hieruit de winnaar kiest. Naast deze juryprijs is er ook een publieksprijs, waarbij door het publiek gestemd kan worden op het project dat het meest aanspreekt. Het project met de meeste stemmen wint!
Maximum aantal deelnemers: 100
Aantal aangemelde deelnemers: 2
Deze mensen komen:
- Thijs Haverkamp