
Circular Economy Meetup: The Gaming Hour

maandag 11 maart 2024 , 14:30 - 15:30 uur

Wanting to do more with Circular Economy in your classes and looking for inspiration? 

During the Week van de Circulaire Economy (March 11-16), Darina Huinck, of Circollab and Barbara Blokpoel, of the Centre for Economic Transformation, invite you to a special meet-up.


  • Learn about and explore new circular economy games  
  • Share tips and best practices for the classroom
  • Network with colleagues interested in accelerating the circular economy

Date: Monday, March 11th, 2024 (during the Week van Circulaire Economie)
Location: in front of the GO HvA office, e.g. the greenhouse, on the first floor of KSH
Time: 14.30-15.30, with tea, cookies and gezelligheid!

Let us know if you will be joining!

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